Trainee Customer Service Agent

Job description

The employer is: ALL CALL LTD. This exciting opportunity allows you to train and qualify as a Customer Service Agent. You will be begin a full training programme to allow you to excel as a customer service agent. You will learn to answer and resolve calls from customers for all types of queries. How to resolve calls on first contact, remain positive and communicate effectively. You will be further trained on specific IT systems to handle calls, take orders, resolve queries and deal with complaints. Training will lead to certification as a customer service agent which will provide additional hours and a higher rate of pay. A further opportunity is given to all successful candidates who certify under the Jobstart scheme, to become a full time agent..


  • Achieve appropriate standard to certify as a customer service agent.
  • Select and service on client programme while meeting all quality metrics.
  • Comply with all essential industry standards including GDPR and PCI.
  • Excel in use of soft skills to engage customer and provide high levels of service.

Skills and Qualifications

Essential Skills

  • Good knowledge of IT packages including Word, Excel and cloud resources.
  • Willingness to engage with customers and provide a high level of service.
  • Openness for learning and a commitment to developing skill base.

Further Information

The Employer is: ALL CALL LTD. Although this is a part-time temporary opportunity, hours may be extended and it could lead to a permanent position. The job advert may end before the closing date if requested by the employer. Salary: 16-17 £6.40, 18-20 £8.60, 21 plus £11.44 per hour.

Application Information

JOBSTART IS OPEN TO 16-24 YEAR OLDS. If you are on UC contact your Work Coach via your Journal. If you are in receipt of JSA, IS or ESA phone a Work Coach on 0300 200 7807. If you are 16-24 years old, unemployed, not in education or training and not in receipt of benefits phone 028 90726788.

Vacancy ID
Job Sector
Customer Service and Call Centre
Co Down
Newtownards, North Street
See further information.
No. vacancies
Contract Type
Weekly hours
Published date
Closing date
Various shifts to be confirmed with the employer.

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